• Community Care Worker – sharing best practices in community care


    Community Care Worker is a project specifically aimed at volunteer coordinators who play an increasing role in supporting elderly care.




    Funded by Erasmus+ , the project aims to support and professionalize the work of coordinators of community initiatives. Together with several European partners from the Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain, best practices from coordinators in our network and beyond have been translated, developed and converted into usable interactive learning tools (an e-learning toolkit) to support coordinators in their learning process. By exchanging experiences and developing tools for coordinators, more frail elderly people in Europe will benefit from the communities' activities and services.


    Stichting Gouden Dagen (Netherlands) is working with a network of care homes/facilities and community centers in the Netherlands to improve the quality of life for the elderly. The goal is to combat loneliness while bringing people together.

    DEOS (Slovenia) provides a wide range of services for the elderly, at various locations in Slovenia, including: home care, home assistance, day care and day activities. They do this with a team of over 800 employees for 1,400 elderly people.

    Zavod AS (Slovenia) is a non-profit organization (the Active Age Institute) that focuses on organizing social welfare activities for the elderly in Slovenia. Such as connecting volunteers with the elderly to reduce loneliness. They work closely with Deos, volunteer organizations and other care institutions and have daily contact with older people.

    Fundacion Harena (Spain) Fundacion Harena’s mission is that of providing social intervention to elderly people experiencing loneliness. This is achieved through the promotion of volunteer companionship and raising awareness within both the social and business realms. Our goal is to enhance their quality of life by fostering a culture of care. We work to be recognized as the most active and committed social organization in promoting the happiness of the elderly, achieved through emotional support and friendship provided by volunteers.

    Leyden Academy (Netherlands) mission is to improve the quality of life of older people by creating opportunities for a vital and meaningful life, tightly connected within the community. A desk research phase examined the current state of community initiatives in each country. Including the role of the coordinator. We also present the results of the desk research report in infographics, which at a glance show the state of affairs in the different countries.

    Allyoucanlearn (Netherlands) has developed an e-learning platform in health and welfare.


    Here is an instruction video for using the platform: 


    Logos of the collaborators